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Thursday, October 22, 2009

free Windows 7 articles

Microsoft has just released the latest version of their operating system, Windows 7. We have a variety of learning products — from books to eBooks to video learning — that will make your transition to Windows 7 seamless!

7 Reasons to Upgrade to Windows 7
Thinking of upgrading your Windows XP or Vista machine to Microsoft Windows 7? Michael Miller gives you seven good reasons why you should upgrade to Windows 7, no matter which version of Windows you're currently running.

Getting to Know the New Windows 7 Taskbar
One of the best new things about Windows 7 is its revamped Taskbar. Michael Miller walks you through all the new Taskbar features and shows you why it will make you more productive.

Tweaking the Windows 7 Registry
The secret to Windows 7's prodigious memory is the Registry—the central repository used to store anything and everything that applies to the configuration of your system. It's all stored in one central location, and thanks to a handy tool called the Registry Editor, it's yours to play with (carefully!) as you see fit—Paul McFedries explains how.

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