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Monday, July 6, 2009

'God Hates Fags' church to picket Michael Jackson's funeral

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who blame homosexuality for the world's ills, have said they will picket the funeral of Michael Jackson.

The star is to be buried tomorrow at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. He died of a suspected heart attack on June 25th.

The church, headed by pastor Fred Phelps, usually prefer to picket the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and AIDS victims. They claim they were killed by God as a punishment for homosexuality.

According to the group's picket schedule, they will be holding a protest outside the star's funeral.

An announcement on their website said: "Michael Wacko Jacko Jackson is in hell! WBC will be there to remind you to stop worshiping the dead. We will be there to tell you to Thank God for the death of this filthy, adulterous, idolatrous, gender-confused, nationality-confused, unthankful brute beast. We will be there to remind you that God Killed Wacko Jacko."

Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper are now banned from entering the UK. They are on a list of 16 individuals banned from entering the country since October due to their extremist views.

Final tally for Michael Jackson memorial: 1.6 million people register!

The registration process for free tickets to Michael Jackson's public memorial service has closed. Now AEG, the company behind the memorial, is charged with the unenviable task of sorting through 1.6 million registers, "scrubbing" all entries to eliminate duplicates and those suspected to have been made by auto-entry, and randomly drawing 8,750 tickets. Fans selected will receive an email on July 5 after 11 am PST with instructions on how to obtain their two free tickets. Tickets will be distributed on July 6 at an off-site location. The service will be held on July 7 at the Staples Center or the live simulcast at the Nokia Theatre.

XML Serialization of Java Objects

Java serialization was initially used to support remote method invocation (RMI), allowing argument objects to be passed between two virtual machines.

RMI works best when the two VMs contain compatible versions of the class being transmitted, and can reliably transmit a binary representation of the object based on its internal state. When an object is serialized, it must also serialize the objects to which its fields refer - resulting in what is commonly called an object graph of connected components. Although the transient keyword can be used to control the extent to which the serialization process penetrates the object graph, this level of control is seldom enough.

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