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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

American group promotes silent revolution in rural India

Many of us in the United States and elsewhere take for granted that schools provide education which helps build lives, communities, and economies. Not so in many parts of rural India. International Labor Organization estimates that there are 24 million unemployed youth in India. What is critical is the type of education and quality of education.

IBT (Introduction to Basic Technology) is a “Plan 100″ program promoted by New York-based Indian American group “Lend-A-Hand India.” It has been a stunning success in training and equipping rural youth in India with job and life skills to set up and run viable small entrepreneurial units. It’s now well on its way to achieving an ambitious plan to equip 20,000 boys and girls across 100 high schools in rural India with job and life skills.

Many NGOs claim to be making a difference in the lives of those whom they serve. But how do you know what’s really happening on the ground? The folks at Lend-A-Hand India have produced A Silent Revolution, a brief web video of the Plan 100 program that brings these impressive facts and figures to life.

One sees the youth who are served by the technical, skills, and entrepreneurial training, in their learning environments. One hears from the boys and girls themselves, listens to the parents and other villagers who form the fabric of the local economies that benefit from their children’s training and development.

But the story doesn’t end there. The inspiring documentary goes on to show - and hear from - actual entrepreneurs who created businesses and invented products as a result of their experience in the training they received. Their track record is such that they even let us hear from people who graduated from the program ten years ago as they tell us the difference it has made in their lives and communities. To top it off, we also hear from some of the very leaders in local governments and large corporations who support the Plan 100 program and help make it possible.

How often do you get to hear good news about rural India? How often do you get to hear it from people whose lives are being changed for the better? Give yourself a treat for the next 14 minutes. See what’s possible when good intentions combine with good works. You will enjoy watching A Silent Revolution now.

Once you have seen it, just reflect on whether you would like to have the program extended to the village/district/state you or your ancestors or your friends hailed from? If you or your friends would like to bring about a similar revolution in your (their)preferred village or area, do let me know and I will put you (them) in touch with this committed group whose ONLY objective is to ensure that the youth of India’s villages are trained to successfully settle down in productive vocations.

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